Higher Education

How Does Europe Promote Higher Education Opportunities?

Europe is well-known for being a centre of learning. This is because many famous people studied in the country, giving students the impression that the quality of education they receive is the highest. Higher education, a crucial area of EU collaboration with European Neighboring countries, earned more than €500 million through the Erasmus Mundus and Tempus programmes. Europe offers a variety of programmes that students can choose from based on their requirements and interests. Here are some of the ways Europe has utilized to encourage higher education.

higher education

The introduction of Erasmus+ for higher education

Erasmus+ is the European Union’s learning, development, youth, and sports programme. The programme has more than €25 billion in funding and allows millions of people to study, develop, acquire skills, and serve worldwide. When it comes to programme finance, an additional Erasmus+ scholarship adds €120 monthly for students from low-income families participating in an Erasmus+ study exchange. However, this is usually applicable for UK students if the yearly family income is less than £25,000.

What does the program include?

The programme has shown to be quite advantageous for students who desire to continue their education. This method involves three important actions, each with a particular goal of assisting students in developing more effectively. These are as follows:

1 – This important action focuses on specific teaching portability, which can be defined as degree portability for combined EU Master’s programmes and course mobility for up to 12 months.

2 – The second level focuses on community empowerment, institutional development, and faculty and student mobility connected to creativity and the interchange of best practices.

3 – The third essential policy reform step is assistance and discussion for initiatives and promotion strategy in European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) partner nations.

Benefits of the program

Erasmus Mundus was a collaboration and exchange initiative in higher education that provided various benefits.

  • The programme sought to improve the educational quality throughout Europe.
  • Collaboration with third countries encouraged intercultural discussion and cooperation.
  • Expanding mobility between the European Union and foreign nations led to the advancement of human capital and the global governance potential of institutions of higher learning in foreign nations.
  • Furthermore, Erasmus Mundus established the foundation for increased institutional partnership and student and scholarly engagements, boosting the socio-economic growth of partner nations.

TEMPUS Program

TEMPUS began in Eastern Europe in 1990 to assist in the modernization of higher learning in the EU’s bordering territory. It primarily fostered human mobility and organizational collaboration among institutions of higher learning in the EU and allied nations. It supported joint initiatives in higher education and placed a special focus on attracting intellectual and managerial professionals from academic institutions to move.

TEMPUS Program

e-Twinning Plus

e-Twinning Plus is a technology that lets schools in the Neighbourhood East connect with institutions in the EU. This programme encourages school partnership by employing technological tools by offering assistance, resources, and solutions to participating schools. It provides a secure online space to collaborate with learning centres, collaborate on projects, and engage with like-minded professional educators from eTwinning’s bordering countries.

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