Network for the Development of Higher Education Management Systems (DEHEMS)

Network Goals

The initial goal of this network is to study determinants of graduate’s early career success in selected professional domains and fields of study, and thus provide a starting point for assuring quality assurance mechanisms and principles at the different levles of higher education systems. In this context, the DEHEMS Nework has provided answers to the following questions:

What is the overall idea of higher education institutions about how your studies take into account the future professional activities of their graduates?
What does higher education institutions do to successfully help graduates to make the transition to work (short term) and their professional career (long term)?
Where do higher education institutions see major developmental needs?
What is the role of employment related guidance services in successful transition to the labour market?
What are differences and similaritiesamong countries and professional domains?
The sequence of methodological steps in purshuing answers to these issues has been the following: a) conceptualisation of theoretical frame and elaboration of professional domain approach; b) data analysis; c) 360 interviews; d) elaboration of final reports and e) networking activities that contextualised and upgraded consoritum results.

Networking actions

DEHEMS is developing a dialogue among selected initiatives and projects aiming at different stakeholders of higher education management systems. DEHEMS has conducted two international conferences in Vienna and Ljubljana and launched electronic newspaper for the European higher education community.

Special stress has been given to the following domains: a) Bussiness and Economics; b) Education and Teaching; c) Sociology and Political Studies; d) Engineering; e) Medicine and Pharmacology and f) Life Science.

Cooperation with domain experts, projects

In this way the project has activated multilevel Networking establishments:

  • research network;
  • domains’ related networks;
  • higher education managers;
  • policy makers, including quality assurance agencies.